


DASA would like to thank our members for their ongoing commitment to safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, and adherence to local and national guidelines.  On March 1, 2022 Alberta entered Step 2 of their public health measures in response to the Omicron wave subsiding.  This implies that vaccinations are no longer a requirement to paddle on a DASA managed boat nor any indoor training that DASA oversees.
DASA is required, and will continue, to follow guidelines set out by Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments as they pertain to COVID-19 vaccination protocols.  At the same time, we are mindful that many members of dragon boat crews may be more susceptible to severe consequences of COVID-19 due to their age and/or pre-existing health conditions.
DASA still strongly recommends but does not require that all athletes, coaches, and volunteers monitor and follow current COVID-19 guidelines according to the Province of Alberta (including getting immunized), since the very nature of our sport requires close proximity to one another.  We also support any individual team’s decision/policy regarding compliance with the current recommended COVID-19 vaccination protocols (meaning individual teams CAN require members to provide proof of vaccination prior to participation on their team).
In alignment with Dragon Boat Canada, DASA will adhere to the following protocols and practices:
  • DASA will publicly post COVID-19 screening questions at all practices and events, and require all team leads to screen their participants for any symptoms of COVID-19 infection using this guide.  Team leads are also required to ask participants to return home in the event of a failed screening.
  • DASA will provide masks for participants should they request it for their own personal safety.
  • No team or event may ban the use of masks, if a participant so chooses.

We will continue to monitor all recommendations and adjust as required.  Please visit these links for additional information:

Alberta COVID-19 Public Health Actions:

City of Lethbridge COVID-19 Information: